HOw it works

You can write whatever you want--no theme, no prompt, just whatever it is you want to say--and submit to FST for publishing on "Unclenched" by emailing We accept submissions on a rolling basis.

Please note that in the submission process, we still retain discretion over which stories are selected for publishing. But without the constraints of event planning or the pressure of public speaking, we really hope that you will feel empowered to share your stories with us, and allow us to share them with the world.

Additionally, we still will have performance shows with prompts, and we encourage you to participate in the traditional FST activities with as much gusto as you always have.

A place to let go

When COVID hit in 2020, we found that it could benefit our community to have a place to write and process without all the attachments of performance. While there is so much beauty and power in speaking stories aloud, there is also so much that can be gained from sharing our stories through the written word. So we launched our "Unclenched" blog.

We imagine "Unclenched" as a space where our fellow F*STers can just release everything you've been holding onto during this time of chaos. Holding your hands in a FIST (pun intended) and constantly fighting this battle that we take on, to further justice and promote empathy, without stepping back to rest can also cause us to hold on to pain. While not a substitute for proper professional mental health care, the therapeutic nature of storytelling is something that we truly believe in at F*ST!. We encourage you to engage with it, and let us uplift your voice, as is our mission.

Access the full blog here.

FST statements:

Recent Stories: